Switzerland is know amongst other things, for it’s neutralty, stability, safety and quality.
Our online backups are stored within this ecosystem, providing you peace of mind when it comes to your data.
Back up your data in complete security!
Swiss Online Backup Space enables you to back up and recover your workstations, servers, virtual machines, NAS and much more besides in total peace of mind.
What are the advantages of our Swiss Online Backup compared to an external hard drive?
By backing up your data with our Swiss Online Backup Space, you benefit from several advantages in relation to a conventional backup on an external hard drive:
- Your backups are stored in a different place from your devices. In the event of an incident or theft, you do not lose any important data.
- Your data is constantly backed up on at least three media across two data centers. Even if two media were unavailable at the same time, the integrity of your backup would not be affected.
- Your backups are accessible anywhere in the world.
- There is no risk of forgetting, losing or breaking your external hard drive.
- Online Backup Space respects your privacy and the confidentiality of your data while allowing you to encrypt your backups easily without slowing your computer down.
- If you are connected to the Internet, everything is done automatically and you can plan the frequency of your backups.
- Online Backup Space allows you to recover your data or an entire system in just a few clicks. Even when recovering an entire workstation, there is no need to follow a whole series of complicated procedures to create a flash drive or boot disc. Almost everything is done automatically.

Your Online Backup Space is setup through our parent company Connectionpoint GmbH. Clicking the links will take you there. Have fun!